Ban Pecah

Nestled just 4 kilometers from Kurau Inn Farmstay, Ban Pecah (Read: Buhn Perchuh) emerges as a burgeoning tourist gem, captivating visitors with its enchanting blend of coastal allure and pastoral charm.

Here, the harmonious coexistence of sea and rice fields, divided by a picturesque paved road, beckons travelers to indulge in its natural splendor. The resilient stone buffers along the cliff shore stand as steadfast guardians against the relentless waves, crafting a spellbinding 3D landscape that leaves onlookers in awe.

Beyond its scenic appeal, Ban Pecah holds a special place in the hearts of anglers, drawing them to its tranquil waters teeming with piscine treasures.

However, amidst the serenity, a somber tale unfolds—a tale of two orphaned souls, scarred by the betrayal of their uncle. Their journey, woven into the fabric of Ban Pecah’s history, serves as a poignant reminder of both the resilience and fragility of human spirit amidst the beauty of this coastal haven.